A Travellerspoint blog

Southern Holland

Elsloo - De Dikke Stein pub

all seasons in one day

We are currently at De Dikke Stien pub in Elsloo. The band have a gig here at 9pm, although they were told to arrive at 4pm for soundcheck. So I'm guessing this will be our area of being for the next few hours. That's cool, there are worst places to sit and be. The place reminds me of a school disco hall, minus the bar in the corner. My school days were awful, and a school disco was at the height of my anxieties, so I'm hoping it will be quite different. I think it's achieved that already to be honest; at school discos I wasn't sat out in the sun writing a blog while my incredibly beautiful boyfriend was inside doing a sound check for a gig. So I think we'll be ok on that front. The weather is weird today. It's set to rain all day but it seems to be random bursts of intense showers followed by sunshine and blue skies. I think the dress weather is definitely over on this tour. It was good whilst it lasted.

Posted by Jarmitage 07:15 Archived in Netherlands

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