A Travellerspoint blog

Southern Holland


It's our last full day today, before we set off on the long journey home back to the UK tomorrow. It's pretty sad when I think about it. There's been a few stresses a long the way but generally it has been really fun. Definitely a learning experience. I've not really done anything like this at all. A few years ago I was a charity fundraiser on a roaming contract around the UK. That's the closest thing I can think that compares to this. but already this wins because I was no where near ad happy in myself as I am now. Still got a journey to go on; but the important thing is that I *am* on it. I think for a long time, the boat has been docked in the harbour waiting to go but I've been stuck at the load in gates unable to get past. at least now I feel the boat has left the harbour, all be it experiencing a few difficult wave brakes on the way.

The gig lastnight was...ok. It was not bad, nor ecstatic. It was a shame that the organisation was so out of whack. The guys were due to be on at 11; as in, on the stage playing their first song. It turned out that by that time, the first band hadn't even started. And their sound quality was sub par, so that was a sure sign that the bands sound quality wasn't going to be great. The band finally ended up playing at 12:10am. As it was so late, Alex decided to cut the set list short by three songs. The actual gig itself, again, wasn't bad but it wasn't fantastic. I think leaving four days in between gigs impacted on the quality of the music, meaning the band weren't as in sync ad they usually were. As usual though, I thought Callum was fantastic. I really try to see him from a critical view when I see him play but it's so difficult! He'll always be great to me! I'm trying though. 

After the gig, Alex, Emily, Tom, Callum and myself went back to the campsite after dropping Leo and Harrison off at Arjan's. I was so tired but as it was our last late night, I soldered on for a bit. We collected all the warm things we could find from the tent and gathered in 'the shed' for a late night game of cheat. The shed has become a familiar chilling place over the last few days. Its exactly what it says on the tin; a comfortably sized shed. Equip with a table and some chairs, perfect for playing many a card game. I will miss that shed. After a couple of games, we decided to venture outside the gate for a look around. I say we decided; it was mainly the guys. Emily and I were quite comfortable! Giving in to their idea, we ventured outside the gate, but we made it clear we were going no further. Callum sides with us. His loyalties were string. Alex and Tom carried on ahead, but soon stopped as they realises we weren't moving. The next ten minutes was spent in a stand off between us all, resulting in each group taking three steps forward, reaching a compromise. Ah the utterly pointless banter on tour. Love it! 

After an evening of reminiscing, laughing, sharing and reflecting, we decided to retire to bed. Last day tomorrow, it would be nice to be as refreshed as possible for it. Although in reality in not sure how likely this is; I had enjoyed a fair few drinks over the evening. Damn free drinks tokens!

Posted by Jarmitage 09:38 Archived in Netherlands

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